Vintage checkered pattern texture that you can download for free. If you want to create a checkered floor in Photoshop use this free texture. The checkerboard pattern has a grunge distressed look.
If you want to make an Alice in Wonderland Photoshop manipulation, this texture is great for floors or as wallpaper. This pattern works great with vintage retro designs.
submitted by:John
Grunge checkered blue background that you can download for free. You can use this checkered pattern texture to create a vintage retro floor in Photoshop for example. This grunge vintage floor texture was inspired by Alice in Wonderland.
We have other free retro flooring textures to choose from.
The checkerboard pattern is a timeless classic design for floors. You can use this checkered background for free in your graphic design projects.
submitted by:John
Red checkered pattern texture that you can download for free. This is a checkerboard Photoshop texture inspired by the Alice in Wonderland. This is a grunge chess floor texture with a bloody red color.
You can use this checkered background in Photoshop to add texture to walls, floors, etc.
If you want to make a vintage retro wallpaper in Photoshop, this checkerboard image is a good choice. Also if you want to create an Alice in Wonderland inspired photo manipulation, this chess texture is also a very useful resource.
submitted by:admin
Download for free this checkered pattern room background. This is an empty room with all the walls made with checkerboard pattern. Create an Alice in Wonderland Photoshop manipulation using this room background with checkered texture.
If you are looking for an abstract geometric room background you can try this free image.
Checkered backgrounds are also great for surreal Photoshop manipulations. So download this great resources for graphic designers or save it to favorites for later.
submitted by:admin
Download for free this texture of a braided table mat made out of bamboo strips and tied with thread in a checkers pattern.
submitted by:admin
Free chess board PNG image that you can download for free. You can use this checkered floor texture for an Alice in Wonderland Photoshop manipulation for example. You can also use this checkerboard to create a chess floor for photo manipulations.
We have lots of checkered pattern textures so make sure you browse our gallery for more freebies.
submitted by:admin
Fantasy room background with Alice in Wonderland theme, made for Photoshop. You can download this Alice in Wonderland room decor for free and use it in your projects.
The grungy wall was made using a keyhole pattern and was decorated with photo frames.
For the ground floor texture I used a checkered black and white pattern.
submitted by:admin
Alice in wonderland room background that you can download for free. This is a pre-made Photoshop background for creating Alice in Wonderland photo manipulations. The background wall has a red hearts pattern inspired by Alice in Wonderland.
The pattern is made from red heart shapes and keyhole shapes. Also I added some photo frames that you can personalize adding your pictures.
The floor is made using a chess board pattern.
Checkered textures are used for creating retro vintage floors.
You can take the Alice in Wonderland background in Photoshop and add other elements from our gallery like pocket watches for example. Also you can add a door on the wall.
submitted by:admin
Black and white plaid pattern that you can download for free. This is a free seamless tartan texture with black and white stripes. You can use this classic black white plaid pattern to create backgrounds in Photoshop.
Combine this tartan pattern with fabric textures to create realistic textile backgrounds for your projects. It is really easy to change the color of this pattern in Photoshop using Gradient Maps. Create seamless blue plaid backgrounds, red plaid backgrounds or green plaid backgrounds in just a few seconds.
These type of checkered patterns are used for clothes, pillows, backgrounds, etc. This seamless tartan pattern was digitally made in Photoshop using filters.
submitted by:admin
Red and black Lumberjack tartan pattern that you can download for free. This is a free seamless Lumberjack texture with black and red stripes and diagonal lines. Use this classic black red plaid pattern to create seamless backgrounds in Photoshop.
Combine this plaid pattern with fabric textures to create realistic textile backgrounds for your graphic design projects. To change the color of this pattern in Photoshop all you have to do is to use Gradient Maps.
Create seamless red plaid backgrounds in just a few seconds.
Tartan checkered patterns are used for mockups, clothes, pillows, backgrounds, etc. This seamless red tartan pattern was digitally made in Photoshop using filters and patterns.
submitted by:admin