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Paving Blocks Texture High Res

Paving Blocks Texture High Res

Paving blocks texture in high resolution that you can download for free. If you are looking for pavement texture for your projects you can download this outdoor flooring image. You can use this texture in Photoshop to create a ground floor for example.

rating: submitted by:John views: 4382

Seamless Paving Stone Texture High Res

Seamless Paving Stone Texture High Res

Seamless paving stone texture that you can download for free. The stone pavement tiles have a honeycomb pattern. You can use this seamless high-res floor texture in different projects.

Add texture to a floor in 3D modelling projects using this pavement pattern. Also you can use the seamless flooring texture in Photoshop as pattern.

rating: submitted by:admin views: 5419

Old Stone Paving Blocks With Dry Leaves Texture

Old Stone Paving Blocks With Dry Leaves Texture

Old stone paving blocks with dry leaves that you can download for free. You can use this old pavement ground floor image in Photoshop for example. Or you can use this picture as autumn fall background for blog posts, WordPress themes, etc.

This is more a background than a ground floor texture. The pavement is covered by autumn fallen dry leaves. This is a high resolution free image that you can download right now and use in graphic design projects.

rating: submitted by:admin views: 2799

Seamless Pavement Texture High Res

Seamless Pavement Texture High Res

Seamless pavement texture in high-res that you can download for free. Create a paving ground floor with this seamless stone tiles texture. You can use this outdoor paving texture as pavement pattern for Photoshop.

Go to Edit > Define Pattern and save the seamless pavement texture as pattern in Photoshop.

rating: submitted by:admin views: 6683

Old Brick Pavement Texture Free

Old Brick Pavement Texture Free

Pavement texture made from old red bricks that you can use for free. Download the bricks paving texture for Photoshop and create floor backgrounds. Brick flooring is popular for pedestrian streets and looks really vintage and old.

We have also lots of other free pavement textures like stone tiles if you take a look at our collection of textures.

rating: submitted by:admin views: 3494